
My life has been very clear There was perfect or there was not. Each had gradation But the division line was firm. There were 6 pages of Perfect in the Oxford English Dictionary I wish I could say Word Perfect pages, but only word now. There were many Not Perfect definitions. At least not perfect for me. So: Not – as good as it could possibly be Not – free from any flaw or defect Not – precisely exact Not – highly suitable, but maybe exactly right Sometimes my perfect may be exactly right. Not – absolute Not – mathematics Not – perfect tense Perhaps the archaic verb with a different syllabic emphasis – to bring to completion, to finish. And as I age, Perfect shows up more and more, and the not perfect is less imperfect, less faulty, less defective. Bryan returned to my Reiki appt. I had reached the stage of Not so Perfect regrets. He told her to tell me He loved me. And everything had been perfect!
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